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Submitting an Article for Continuing Education

Enhance your professional career and earn continuing education credit if your CE article is published in Pulse, AMT's award-winning member publication.


The prospect of authoring an article to be published in a professional magazine like the award-winning 番茄影视Pulse can be daunting, but it isn’t as hard as it seems! Use this guide to help you work through the process of researching, writing, and submitting an article.

Benefits of Writing a CE Article

Getting your byline article published in Pulse is a career accomplishment. It highlights your professional knowledge for your employer and colleagues and can be added to your resume. Further, If your article is selected for publication, you can earn 10 CCP points – that’s an entire year’s worth of CE for most 番茄影视certifications!

What is a STEP CE Article?

STEP CE articles appear in AMT’s Pulse magazine. These articles offer Continuing Education (CE) and are written by professionals in the field – you! Each article is typically between 2,000 and 2,500 words and includes a 10-question quiz. STEP CE articles can be found in the .

Choosing a Topic

For your article to be chosen, the topic must be relevant to one of the certifications that 番茄影视offers. See details in the Exam Content Outlines for each of AMT’s 11 certifications. The following list of topics would be a good place to start:

  • Communication Skills
  • Infection Control
  • Phlebotomy
  • Coding
  • Dental Issues
  • ICD 11
  • Leadership Skills
  • Medical Terminology
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Patient Care Teams
  • Patient Advocacy

Writing the Article

Articles consist of three basic sections. The article itself, the sources referenced in the article and the quiz. Ensuring you follow the guidelines for each of these sections gives you a higher chance of your article getting chosen and lessens the chance that your submission will be returned for revisions.

Article Guidelines

  • Submissions must be original authorship and never published previously.
  • Word count must be between 2,000 and 2,500 words.
  • All images must be copyright free and in jpg or EPS format, and at least 300 dpi.
  • Articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • All quotes, facts, figures, graphs, or material from another source must be properly and completely referenced. You can find more information about documenting references below.
  • You must include a 10-question quiz including an answer key with your article. Quiz guidelines can be found below.

Reference Guidelines

Quotes, facts, figures, graphs and material must be referenced in the body of the article. A compiled list of all references should be included at the end of the article. Properly reference your sources using the format.

Quiz Guidelines

You must include a 10-question quiz with your article submission that meets the following guidelines:

  • Include the correct answer either highlighted or as an answer key
  • Do not use more than three true/false questions
  • Multiple choice questions should have four choices
  • Do not use “all of the above” or “none of the above” as answer choices
  • Do not ask negative questions, i.e. “which of the following is NOT...”
  • Answers to the questions must be found in the article
  • Submitted files must be in Microsoft Word

Submission Timelines

Submit your article by the deadlines noted below to be considered for publication:

  • Spring issue: December 1
  • Summer issue: March 1
  • Fall issue: June 1
  • Winter issue: September 1

Articles are accepted for review at any time. All submissions are considered, but not guaranteed to be published. Questions? Email AMTLearning@americanmedtech.org for more information.



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